Strategic Coaching
One of the services our clients tell us they value most is our assistance in growing successfully. And it’s not surprising to hear stories from our new clients of how they struggled initially in putting the firm’s best foot forward.
This is where we can help your firm do just that. Coaching your team is our team’s specialty. And it may surprise you to know that it is not complicated. We bring a perspective that is broad and illuminating.
We carefully walk our clients step-by-step on this journey. Our clients want to put their best team on the field when it comes to recruiting that desirable partner candidate, or equally important, knowing when it’s time to walk away.
Here are some key ways we coach our clients in the recruiting process:
Meeting the lateral candidate - First things first
Understanding the needs of the lateral candidate - Listening
Attorneys are all risk adverse - What?
Establishing Priorities - and expectations
Closing the deal - Why money doesn’t matter
First Day at the New Firm - Now What?
There are many other areas in which we serve as a coach and advisor. To learn more, you may enjoy reading the articles on our blog:
If you would like to talk confidentially, please contact JAG at teamjag@jaglaw.com.